#AskPeshev 68: 2020 Is Over Soon + Content Predictions

#AskPeshev 68: 2020 Is Over Soon + Content Predictions

“In content marketing, persistence is key. ”

— Mario Peshev

The end of 2020 is near — we’re all hopeful for a better 2021 to come (for real!).In the meantime, personal and professional development are important. I’ve been stressing on both over the past several months which will result in some educational content for you soon enough.And with every year, we plan our content calendar accordingly. Trends come and go, some stay forever, and I’ve compiled the best ones that still work plus paradigms you can utilize as well — make sure you check out my latest post below.All the best,Mario

What are the top content marketing lessons we've learned in 2020 that are going to get us through 2021? Well, we've been dealing with content marketing for over a decade now, and the industry is evolving so quickly that sometimes SEO is king, sometimes it's, social media, or PPC, or something else. 

It's All About Reading...

The holiday season is usually a gold mine of opportunities for product-based businesses that can deploy special holiday products or sales to make their business stand out and be relevant for that time of the year. While service-based businesses may find it more difficult to capitalize on the season’s business opportunities, there are still several creative strategies they can utilize to make holiday marketing work in their favor.

As a rule of thumb, web developers do web development and digital marketers spend their time on marketing. It’s common to see web developers with 20 years of experience who have never had any exposure to marketing (except for working with marketers within an organization).read more…

BPM tools are designed to manage workflows in a consistent, repetitive model, providing an instrument for collaboration among all team members.According to the report led by Market Research Future, the BPM market is expected to grow to approximately USD $16 billion by 2023, with a 14% CAGR between 2017 and 2023.How do you manage your business processes?

Once your product is live, it's out there. Congratulations! The post-launch phase is confusing and it takes time to normalize everything and get to a stable point.You’ll be dealing simultaneously with a number of activities.Don’t get discouraged if it takes a while to build the portfolio of your customers.

The RFP process is broken and there are dozens of reasons why top agencies don't take part in it.It's flawed from the very beginning and many abuse the time and effort put in by professional consultants and firms. Additionally, it doesn't allow for sufficient time to conduct discovery sessions and come up with a reasonable action plan.