MBA Disrupted is out next week! Also, AI wars and future of Search
Another macro turbulent week with lacking guidance for 2024
90%+ of execs diversify, economy shakedowns, businesses got resilient
Robots vs. people - can the economy recover & futuristic trends
April events and NYC travel, on-site + Slack beat social, autopilot and AIOps strategies
Ambassadors, visitor identity, LinkedIn CTV - the new B2B rules
B2B will recover in Q2 + Build vs Buy
The 6D thinking framework + diversify to survive
Efficiency or the hamster wheel - company reset takes a toll (and how I move back to basics)
Learned something from Growth Blueprint? Let others know!
D2C today is B2B in 2029 + why digital channels are 100% advertising
SEO is broken, LinkedIn reach hacks, B2B in 2024 - and a 2-min question