How AI shapes the future of services, what I focus on, niche brands, directories, and more in this edition
Q4 is running full power - here's what our pipeline looks like at the time
The macro environment of the new quarter amidst an Amazon Prime Day
A lot to unpack starting the new month and heading for Q4 - dive in
How to interpret Fed's latest moves, stay on track with first-party data, and optimize processes
Busy triaging all the channels prior to a hardcore Q4 ahead
September turbulence right before elections and with the S&P crash
September is starting out strong - here's what else is in stock (including some special deals today)
Breaking through new channels while Google decided to rebound
My community pivots in 2024 - a GTM case study
What my teams have been busy at work with + priority channels
Forecasts for Q3 and Q4 ahead (and what my clients focus on)